“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Re-iterating my 'Big Questions,' I hope to concentrate on something having to do with communication. So far I have two ideas, and I am hoping to do both to some extent. My first idea is to master sign language, hoping to tear down a barrier with the deaf/mute people of this world. My second idea is to document a long distance relationship, how it works, how communication plays a vital role, etc. With my second idea, I will be documenting my own relationship, plus I am hoping to contact some of my friends who are also going through long distance relationships and documenting their experiences. I guess my second idea would take the form of a kind of extended survey, maybe even containing videos, pictures, and certain quotes from the couples.

A separate idea I have for my masterpiece is something book-related. This idea would be concerning why the interest in literature has drastically been decreasing, especially with teens and children. I feel like this idea would also take the form of a survey, maybe including a video where some of my classmates will answer questions on why they think interest is low. I think I would also attempt to contact authors, librarians, any and all people relating to books and get their opinion on this topic.

If anybody is slightly interested in communication/books/relationships, maybe we can work together! If you have any advice for me, or suggestions, don't hesitate to comment. Any and all input is welcome! (:


  1. I don't know if it's really "communication" based, but my (or what I'm hoping to be) masterpiece is to essentially do HONY. I want to use photography to spread cultural, political, social awareness. Instead of doing some type of video documentary, I want to convey diversity via photos.

    1. I would consider it communication, especially since you are transmitting an idea or a certain message through every photograph! That's a really good masterpiece for you, especially since you already have an interest for photo.!
      Ps. I've always wanted to document the people of Guad, because their isn't that many and it's like a place to start and hopefully build on like HONY, and I always see interesting people in the oddest places and I want to ask them questions without being all weird and stuff, but I'm not the photographer type, like you, and I'm also shy. Haha (:
