“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Thursday, September 18, 2014


My Masterpiece idea keeps changing, which isn't necessarily bad, but I want to focus on something already, and I think I have found it! I now want to do a project on something I have always had interest in, the food industry. However, not exactly the food industry but how our food is treated while it is still alive. I hope to focus mainly on poultry, beef, and pork. I've always openly showed frustration for the cruelty of animals, and although I have failed at going vegetarian (my parents won't allow me to, they guilt me into eating chicken by saying they feel like they are under feeding or/and literally almost forcing it down my throat) I have attempted it multiple times. My idea is not to make people stop eating meat or eggs or any animal product, rather to make people understand that just because the animals are going to be eaten, doesn't mean they don't deserve some quality of life. If you have never seen a factory farm video here is a link to multiple articles and videos, but warning you, some of these videos are very graphic and disturbing.

And yes, I understand that these are all videos on factory farming, where animals are kept in small cages and some, like pigs, never get to feel grass or even turn around because of cage size, but "free-range" farmers are also succumbing and not keeping up to standards, often times distributing the same cruelty. The "USDA which defines free-range and free-roaming for labeling purposes, relies “upon producer testimonials to support the accuracy of these claims.” Translating to 'Farmers can do whatever they want as long as they do the bare minimum and say they are doing what they are supposed to do.' Here is the link to an article on "free range" farming: http://www.bornfreeusa.org/articles.php?more=1&p=377

Also, I would like to go into the fact that multiple states are now taking the "Ag-gag" laws into consideration, a law which condemns and criminalizes all undercover investigators, for filming and broadcasting cruelty, it penalizes those who are only attempting to assist the animals. Here is an article that simply explains the Ag-gag laws and the flawed reasoning behind it: http://animalrights.about.com/od/animallaw/a/What-Are-Ag-Gag-Laws-And-Why-Are-They-Dangerous.htm

If you guys have any interest in this topic, we should work together! If you have any comments/input please leave a comment. If you think this is a good idea and possibly better than my others, please let me know. Again, any and all input is welcome.

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