“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Friday, April 3, 2015

Blog Feedback

Battle of the Blogs Feedback ~ leave your comments down below. Thanks (:


  1. Your blog is the blog I continuously check at a day to day basis. It's aesthetically pleasing enough, is easy to read, and utilizes tabs so that visitors are easily able to configure what they want to find. Your also the one that gets assignments done (like a month a head). Whenever I think I'm missing an assignment, I go over to your blog and see if I am missing some things. Not only that, but it's personalized enough that I see slivers of Lupe in your blog. The colors, the quotes, and heck, the "book tree" screams Lupita Pliego, book-lover extraordinaire.

  2. WOW, I just ended up in October 2014 on your blog. READ EVERY SINGLE POST. I absolutely love your blog. Always up to date, and your layout makes it easy to scroll through and view your material. I always hear others talk about your blog and mention how it’s always the first one they check! You always have something important to say, & every post you publish is nothing but quality!

  3. I chose your blog because I found it to be very original and extremely organized. The tabs are a nice touch and your blog is put together nicely.

  4. Beautiful blog Lupe, you have every single post up to date and you have done them with a lot of quality. Not only do you have assignments, you also have posts that give little glimpses of who you are. I truly enjoy seeing your blog and think that because of your hard work you have one of the best blogs out there.

  5. Lupe, your blog is one of my favorites. Constant updates, both with assignments and posts having to do with outside the course- you care about your blog enough to put in the time and effort to make it as (academically) efficient as it is. It shows who you are both academically and in real life- because school doesn't solely define any one of us.Thank you for not using Comic Sans because you know I worry sometimes haha. Amazing blog!
    By the way, your masterpiece will go well so keep on updating both blogs with information and news regarding it!
