“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Friday, February 27, 2015

4 months till graduation

Tomorrow brings the end of February. Tomorrow is also my wonderful mother's birthday. But today, today I realized how little time I have to decide where I will get my post-secondary education. Today, as I worked beside my mother cleaning houses as I do every weekend (except this one, didn't want her working on her birthday, Friday was more convenient as I had to get blood drawn, plus it was an early out), I related to her a conversation I had with Mrs. K (my AVID teacher). I told her how she constantly reminds me to tell her (my mom) that I will soon be gone, how I need to go after my own goals, after my own dreams, after my own life and journey. I told my mom how the conversation between me and Mrs. K included her (my mom's) reason for missing me, the constant shouting and ruckus I cause at home. My mom responded with tears in her eyes, by saying, "Si, tu eres la que alegras la casa." Which means, "Yes, you are the one that brightens up our home." I didn't want to cry so instead I burst up laughing, a normal reaction for me. Haha. But it made me realize how little time I have with my family if I do go away for college. It made me realize how much my mom's life will change, how much I will be missed, and how much I will miss my family, especially my hardworking, sensitive, hilarious, and amazing mother. My super mom. It also made me realize how much we take time for granted, because we don't have much.

These four years have definitely gone by so fast, and I sometimes wish I had more time to wallow in the easiness that is high school, but I realize that my life needs to go on, and that I need to accomplish my goals.

I guess this is just a mom appreciation post, or multiple small realization posts incorrectly titled '4 months till graduation.'


  1. Awh. This post brought a smile to my face. You're such an amazing person Lupe. I hope you and your mom make great memories before you leave! I bet there is something more exciting waiting for both of you even when you go off to college!

    1. Thank you, Jisu! I hope so too! Hopefully good things are coming. (:
