“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Other Learning Communities + Hamlet

I emailed 3 teachers that have an AP English Literature and Composition class and have asked them to share any specific methods they use with teaching Hamlet, as well as asking them how they use blogs and the Internet as a classroom tool instead of a nuisance. In the email I also included the opportunity to collaborate with an AP classroom in California (one of the teachers was from Georgia) by mentioning Dr. Preston and Open Source Learning.

Now I am just waiting for replies, this post will be updated if I get anything back.

*A mistake I made was not including a link to my blog or to the course blog, that could have been very useful.
**I corrected my mistake in the third email I sent. (:

Update: One of the high school teachers did get back to me, but she said she would give me a later reply as she is busy at the moment with what seemed like very big projects. :)


  1. what did you say on your email? did you just randomly emailed teachers? LOL

  2. Uh, basically .. YES. Haha I just introduced myself and Righetti, then I went on to ask about Hamlet and the blog question, then I mentioned collaborating with Dr. Preston. On the last email I added Preston's course blog link and my blog link. :p
