“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Character Study (II)

Lupita, after attending and participating in multiple clubs/activities had fully discovered her university, and had finally found her niche. She was comfortable, with her new friends and some of her old, and ultimately with her current situation. Her favorite "hang out" spot, the area where she went for silence and solitude, was the school library, where she could completely indulge herself in new reading material, where she could go study, and where she encountered new (or old)  and interesting people.

One day, as Lupita headed out of a lecture towards her favorite area, several books in hand, and library/ID card at the ready, she stumbled. Frowning she began to gather her many books, realizing that this was only the continuation of the bad events that had occurred that day, beginning with waking up late, skipping breakfast (which means grumbly stomach), missing the bus and having to walk several blocks to school. She wondered out loud, "Can anything make this day good?" Just then a petite shadow crossed over her books, as she looked up the sun blocked out the face of this mysterious on looker. The female asked, "Need some help there?" The voice seemed to have a familiar ring to it, a kind, strong voice, a voice she had heard many times throughout her high school English classes. As she regained her footing and looked directly at the speaker she connected the dots, the voice belonged to her strong minded and equally witted, high school friend Yesenia!

Lupita had no idea that they were at the same school, having lost touch after high school they had not known much of what the other had done or where they had gone. The two young women decided to catch up, and inviting Edgar, the outgoing and outspokem friend, and Sophia, the kind-hearted and bubbly friend, they all decided to go to a club, by Edgar's recommendation.

After only an hour came the realization that the club scene was not for Yesi, as her friends sweetly called her, and Lupita, so they quickly bailed and went to a taco place down the street, a family owned business where the two could actually hear each other and communicate what they had done in the last couple of months. After a three hour conversation, the girls had come to their final subject, how much they missed their family, and more importantly, their family in Mexico, the ones they hadn't seen in years! The girls kept yelling about how they wish they could set foot on Mexican soil soon, their yelling became incessant and obviously attracted attention. Soon a young, tall, Hispanic man approached them, and grabbing a chair and sitting on it backwards, he began to ask them about their NEED to go to Mexico. The two young ladies, rather annoyed by his presence, yet surprised by this courage, sat stunned. The man continued to coax them, and Yesenia, being the brave and take-no-bullshit type of person, asked the boy, "What's it to ya?" The young man, whose name was Roberto, and was the "annoying classmate" everyone encounters in college, nonchalantly replied that he would make them an offer. The girls waited, anger and annoyance beginning to surface. "How would you guys like to accompany me on a trip to Mexico, all expenses paid, for 2 months, so I- I mean we- can study the heritage and culture?" The girls, always having had an interest in Mexican culture agreed, to his surprise, rather quickly. Roberto did not expect this, as he often thought the two girls despised him, for his superiority and intelligence. Yes, arrogance at its finest. Anyways, their adventure, Roberto informed them, would commence in one week.

Adios California.

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