“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Introduction to Poetry

Everything's Going to be Alright - Derek Mahon

 How should I not be glad to contemplate
the clouds clearing beyond the dormer window
and a high tide reflected on the ceiling?
There will be dying, there will be dying,
but there is no need to go into that.
The poems flow from the hand unbidden
and the hidden source is the watchful heart;
the sun rises in spite of everything
and the far cities are beautiful and bright.
I lie here in a riot of sunlight
watching the day break and the clouds flying.
Everything is going to be all right.
  1. What is the significance of the title? The title explains what the entire poem is going to be about, speaks for itself. The title is partially the poem's theme. 
  2. What is the tone of the poem? The tone is happy, optimistic, prosperous even.
  3. What is your mood as you read it? Gives a sense of calm, motivation to keep going, hopeful.
  4. Is there a Shift?  Where?  From what to what? Yes, there is a shift found in these lines: "There will be dying, there will be dying,/but there is no need to go into that." Before this point the poem is questioning, unsure, but after these two lines, the poem seems confident that things will be okay.
  5. What is the theme of the poem? Everything's going to be alright. Facing reality in a positive way, with a positive perspective. 

Group: Yesenia, Jisu, Millicent, Edgar, and Sophia

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