“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Beuwolf Notes (Prologue-X)

Scyld Scefing - great kind, rules by virtue, respected, no one would challenge him and this maintained peace, he was rewarded tributes of gold >Beowulf was his heir, continued to gift the worthy, earned respect and loyalty. Fame spread through North-lands, prosperity grew as an effect > Beowulf dies, adorned and put on ship, set off for burial at sea

CH. 1:
Beowulf's kingdom left to Healfdene, upheld reputation > has 3 children: Heorogar, Hrothgar, and Halga. >> Hrothgar was generous and great in battle, a hall was made in his honor > Heorot >> Grendel,  a descendant of Cain (giant race) and a creature of the moor-land, heard the joy, music, and essentially the noise
CH. 2:
That night, Grendel took 30 thanes(lords) to his lair. Hrothgar was saddened, his foe was too mighty, for 12 years Grendel refused to agree to peace or to accept tribute, he attacked people relentlessly. Hrothgar could no longer rule, people to afraid to approach hall. The people had no faith and would suffer without hope.

CH. 3:
Hygelac of the Geats heard of the trouble with Grendel, and his mightiest warrior set off to assist>> second day at sea, the seafarers approached the cliffs of the headlands and land> thank God for their safety. Scylding watchman demands to know where they're from and why the have come.

CH. 4:
The leader of the Geat seafarers answers that he is the son of Ecgtheow> comes to deal with Grendel>> watchmen assists them, guards their boat all the way to Heorot> departs when the site is visible

CH. 5:
Wulfgar stops them and questions them>son of Ecgtheow is named Beowulf(?) wishes to speak with Hrothgar.
Hrothgar is on his throne> armed men led by Beowulf of the Geats approaches>> leader appears to be a strong warrior.

CH. 6:
Hrothgar heard of Beowulf's strength of thirty men> welcomes them to Danish land> men allowed to counsel with Hrothgar>> Beowulf wants to battle unarmed and unarmored> If he fails, he requests his armor  be sent back to Hygelac>> armor given to him by Hrethel and made for him by Wayland

CH. 7:
Hrothgar speaks of the war between the Geats and the Wylfings > Geats had come for help when Beowulf's kin killed Heatholaf of the Wylfings> Hrothgar young, Heorogar killed>> feud was settled when he paid with treasure
- Grendel brought hate and humiliation to the hall> warrior's diminished, even when they attempted to ambush him

CH. 8:
Unferth rose to challenge Beowulf >fears for Beowulf against Grendel because of  a contest with  Breca, son of Beanstan for seven days in the stormy winter sea where Breca arrived in the land of Brondings> Beowulf answers  that he had superior strength in the sea in endurance> risked their lives together in the sea, only a sword, swam together for five days, flood tore them apart and the fish began to attack> creature grabbed Beowulf but it was killed with one sword stroke

CH. 9:
 contest with Breca was not war, Grendel has brought suffering and humiliation> Beowulf has no fear of feud from the Danish  he fights, murders, and feasts upon them> in the morning he will know of the might of the *Geats
Hrothgar, happy with Beowulf's commitment >  queen Wealhtheow brings the cup of the hall>  king drinks first, brings it around to everyone> reaches Beowulf, she thanks God for this savior.

CH. 10:
Hrothgar goes to bed with Wealhtheow with a guard posted ordered to keep watch for monsters.
Beowulf removes his armor and assigns a henchman to guard his possessions. Speaking, he issues a challenge to Grendel: without weapons or armor> God will decide the one who is right> wanderer-in-shadow came toward the hall, warriors slept except Beowulf who awaited the upcoming battle.

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