“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Monday, April 20, 2015


Imagine how the plot, theme, and tone of Macbeth would be different if Macbeth could gain more power by becoming good at something or learning something, rather than benefiting through another's loss.

If Macbeth could achieve value through obtaining an ability, becoming an expert at something, simply becoming a better human being, the entire plot, theme, and tone would change drastically. Macbeth would achieve a higher standing in society without having to drench his hands in the blood of the innocent, he would have no need to murder whether it be to get a higher standing or to remove a "threat." Macbeth would have no need to create a loss for someone, he would have no need to benefit from any negative situations. Themes would also change because things like "foul is fair, fair is foul," and appearance vs reality no longer truly fit. It would instead seem to turn to a moral lesson-type story, or something along the lines of achieving one's true purpose, or about making oneself the best one can become, etc. The tone would go from dark, ambiguous, and cruel to something a bit more cheerful, powerful, honest or enlightening. If the entire plot of Macbeth changed, their would be no conflict among the characters, external conflict would be nonexistent, instead internal conflict would come into play. Internal conflict would occur in a very distinct way as it currently does in the story, Macbeth would not be paranoid and pondering whether he should murder his best friend, instead he would be weighing pros and cons of situations, where to go in a situations, etc. 

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