- Setting/surroundings: similar to those of when the witches first appeared, creates a dark/ominous tone
- "Double, double toil and trouble./Fire burn, and cauldron bubble." > this simple song has been used in so many other forms in current culture; what came to mind as soon as I read the line was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it has also been used in popular shows like Supernatural and such
- Witches are creating some sort of potion(may be for Macbeth), they are being instructed by Hecate
- Macbeth enters and asks what they are doing; witches do not reply directly and instead ask if he wants to speak to their masters
- First apparition > armed head > warns Macbeth of Macduff, the thane of Fife
- Second apparition > bloody child > says that none will do harm to Macbeth
- Third apparition > crowned child > says he will not be vanquished until "Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill/Shall come against him."
- show of 8 kings, the last being Banquo, appears > showing the line of kings, Banquo's children being included(?)
- witches vanish, Lennox says he did not see them go; notice that Macduff has fled to England reaches Macbeth's ears
- Macbeth planning to attack Macduff's castle in Fife, orders all family and people found to be killed
Scene 2:
- Lady Macduff angry/worried at her husband having left, noting that this suspicious travel will make them look like traitors
- direct characterization of Macduff: "He is noble, wise, judicious"
- simile: live as the birds do - off what is given to them > Son to Lady Macduff
- indirect characterization of Lady Macduff: "Why, I can buy me twenty at any market." (speaking of husbands) as well as "If he were dead, you'ld weep for/him: if you would not, it were a good sign/that I should quickly have a new father.
- Lady Macduff reveals to her Son that his father was a traitor
- Messenger comes in and warns Lady Macduff to take her kids and leave
- Murderers enter and kill the Son while Lady Macduff runs off
Scene 3:
- Malcolm and Macduff speaking, Malcolm calls Macduff a tyrant
- Malcolm seems to want to murder Macbeth
- Malcolm is testing Macduff's loyalty and trustworthiness
- Doctor mentions a disease of some sort, called "the evil"
- Ross appears telling the men that people have been slaughtered, but that Macduff's family is fine (as last seen by Ross) > then Ross reveals that they too have been killed
- Macduff then agrees to join in the fighting and to take personal revenge on Macbeth> urged on by Malcolm
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