“Giving kids clothes and food is one thing but it is much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use them in the service of other people.” - Dolores Huerta

Friday, May 29, 2015

Masterpiece Presentation Notes


- Internship at aquarium
- learned about animals on our coast, will be able to compare them with Hawaiian animals
- has to do with her major
- developed new intern program for younger students, Taylor was the first


- art & expressive media
- all works have different messages, different thought processes, themes, etc.


- concept > collective input
- combination of music, photography, photo shop/editing, and clothing
- connected his first theme to our generation, the 1st to always and constantly have computers in our life > led to it being called "WINDOWS"

- coded a game > process over four weeks
- "Donuts & Dragons" > able to play in class


- 3.0 > overall a business theme
- company connection to school > be above average, above 3.0
- trail runs > RHS athletic shirts
- mentor through Preston > lean start up (polls)
- was able to get 3.0 company a booth in One Way
- social media + personalized hashtag
- got a sense for the business and start up

Yun Soo:
- culture & lifestyle of Korea
- trip to Korea moved to the summer
- adjust his culture to the American culture

-history lesson
- connected to his passion and future major

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Eating Healthy on a Tight Budget -- College Edition

It seems difficult enough to eat on a budget, but is healthy eating even possible? 

My best friend has recently started a healthy lifestyle, no junk, no high sugars, etc. etc. As we will be living together as of next year (roommates!) I wanted to check out if it was even possible to accomplish/continue this healthy eating in college, especially as freshman. Below I will share some tips I found..

  • focus on the veggies, they offer more nutrients at a low cost; remember that in-season veggies are cheaper
  • stock up on staple foods such as rice, oats, pasta, beans, and veggies; it may cost more up front, but it will be worth it in the long-run 
  • you really don't need that much meat, eat "cheap" protein such as eggs, fish, beans/lentils
  • you really shouldn't care about the brand or company, the name may only be costing you more; opt for the cheaper of the two
  • shop the sales, or look for any markdowns
  • don't drink away your calories or budget, get a Brita Water Filter and drink clean tap water instead
  • Planning out your meals beforehand can relieve stress and will ultimately help you save money. Create a list with the ingredients you need for the following week, this will create a goal and you will most likely stick to what you really need and not just grab items at random. 
  • remember that leftovers can be used; ex: stock from boiling chicken is useful for creating soups, sauces, etc. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

How to Write the Perfect College Essay

  1. Pick your question, unless one is assigned.
  2. Make a schedule, minimize stress. 
  3. Find reputable sources, contact professors for aid.
  4. Read upon the subject, take notes.
  5. Create an outline.
  6. Write the darn thing, remember to refer to past feedback (fix errors) & use correct citation.
  7. Edit the essay.
Final tips:
  1. Engage the subject.
  2. Stay clear in writing.
  3. Do not over-quote.

Sarah Laughed Article - she also has other great articles on organization, how to get the best grades, etc. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

39 Ways To Cut College Costs


4. Embrace minimalism.
5. Pay for dorm monthly instead of all in one payment.
10. Keep applying for scholarships in college.
19. Get a credit card, be a deadbeat. (read article for deadbeat definition.)
23. 30-Day impulse buy list. If you don't want it after 30 days, don't buy it.
30. Become passionate about something.
32. Practice mindfulness. 
34. Beware of peer pressure spending.

5 Ways to Take Notes in Class

From now on...

From now on posts on this blog will consist of college related things, especially since at this point the course is geared toward our masterpieces and learning experiences. I want to maintain this blog as somewhat useful for others so things such as hacks, saving tips, major related information, and things I might personally need for future reference will be posted.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Basketball + adventures

Yesterday, on a bit of adventurous whim, three friends and I decided to go play basketball. Well, as I always do, I got a minor injury, a sprained finger. And only now have I realized how useful the thumb is. Last night I could barely move it, making it quite difficult to shower, dress, BRUSH MY TEETH, and all of that daily useful crap. This morning I could barely even write, attempting to finish a last minute group project. (Haha, who assigns something like that this late in the year) Anyway, wish me luck on the 3 essays in 2 hours portion of the AP test tomorrow. What a wonderful time to have a semi-working thumb. Just my luck.